Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Poor Blog

I have so neglected this blog but I intend to change that starting tonight. I have two blogs for a reason: I have my school blog to track our homeschool journey. But, I wanted another where I could just "think out loud." I needed a place to reflect and work through things - what God is teaching me mainly. That's this blog. Do you want to know why I haven't posted in so long...because I haven't done much for my soul in recent months - at least not in a systematic or sustained way!

I loved listening to Tommy Nelson, pastor of Denton Bible Church when I was in college. He was a regular speaker at Campus Crusade conferences while I was attending UT. One thing I vividly remember was him talking about time with God. He compared it to taking a bath. You can get by with "spit baths" for awhile but sooner or later you're "just gonna stink" if you don't jump all the way in the water! Our spiritual life is much the same, he compared. We can take spit baths in the Word for awhile...but sooner or later your spiritual life is going to stink, too. Well I am stinking right now!

How did I get here so quickly? Glad you asked! I have been totally and completely engrossed in preparing to start first grade with Thatcher on top of being a wife, mom and keeper of our home. It's like I have added a full-time job on top of an already busy life. This happens anytime I get engrossed in a project, be it painting a room, organizing a closet or working on scrapbooks. I work tirelessly until it is done and I set everything else aside. Now it's time for some balance or I fear I will find myself at the same place I was at the end of last year - burned out and far from God.

Have you ever had a time where you were reconnected with a good friend after not seeing him/her for awhile and your time with them was just so sweet? I had that experience with a good friend from high school and his wife when they came to visit us earlier this summer. They drove away and I stood in my front yard thinking how lucky I was to be blessed with such a great friend all these years!

The same thing happened with my Best Friend earlier this week. I was reacquainted with Him in a most unusual way though...through a children's Bible. I won't go into all the details here because you can read a review I wrote on my school blog that tells all about it.

I can simply summarize and say that after reading just the first chapter of this Bible, I sat completely humbled and in awe of the God I serve and the Son he sent. It is good to be reconnected to who Jesus is, why He came and what He did. I knew that needed to happen, I just didn't think it would come in the package of a Bible for children!!

The Bible is most of all a Story. It's an adventure story about a young Hero
who comes from a far country to win back his lost treasure.
It's a love story about a brave Prince who leaves his palace,
his throne - everything - to rescue the one he loves.
It's like the most wonderful of fairy tales that has come true in real life!

Chapter One, The Story and the Song