Sunday, June 24, 2007

Summer Plans

“The Cross is a blazing fire at which the flame of our love is kindled, but
we have to get near enough for its sparks to fall on us.” - John Stott

Have you ever felt that life is happening to you - like you are constantly in a reactive mode and hardly able to be intentional about anything? Change a diaper, prepare a meal, clean a mess, referee an argument, wash a load of laundry...and before you know it, the sun has set on another day. I know it's a "season of life" thing - having two babies so close together and starting the journey of homeschooling all at the same time has put me in this place. So many needs, so little time and only one of me to make it all happen. I am confident mommies across time and continents have felt the same.

I have spent the first three weeks of our summer break getting our house (re)organized and preparing for next school year, and it's been all-consuming. As I think about next year though, I also long to spend time nearer the cross of Christ than ever before. I want to be so close that those sparks John Stott speaks of are continually falling on me - igniting the fire of Christlikeness and burning away all that competes with that.

Hold on, I don't need to wait until next year...I can to start now. I want to come up with a plan (I can't help it; it's the organization freak in me!) so I can be intentional about my spiritual growth just like I have a plan to get my home in order and a plan for our school year. What books do I want to read other than daily Bible readings? What are disciplines I need to incorporate into my life all the more?

Here is how you can help: How do you draw near to the cross? What is the one best book you have read in the past few years? Too many Christian books are man-centered, striving to tell us the secret of being happy and fulfilled. The problem is that we have a Christ-centered gospel, not a man-centered one; I want a few books which reflect that. What are the disciplines you have incorporated into your life that deepen your devotion the most? How do you make time for it all? Share so we may grow together.


Heather said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! And the two books that really made an effect on me was "The Holiness of God" by R.C. Sproul, and "Being a Believer in an Unbelieving World" by Wayne Brouwer.

carole said...

Hi Jennifer. I found your blog via Mt. Hope Academy. I LOVE the title. I have always loved the imagery of the lamppost in the woods of Narnia.
Anyhow, I also really enjoyed this post, as I am a planner (often just planning, not implementing!) too. I highly recommend C.J. Mahaney's book "The Cross Centered Life." It is small but incredibly powerful and talks about exactly what you're describing. Thanks for inspiring me to focus on it today.

Anonymous said...


I am new to your site...found it on Well Trained Mind site. You are such an encouragement...its nice to know that there are people in the world similar to me...a believer and follow of Christ, a mom, a wife, a homeschooler..and yet "normal" in most respects. I am currently reading Knowing God by J.I. husband is taking our sunday school class through it. I've read it before but it is great to reread and it totally about being God centered...knowing Him..not just knowing alot about Him..other ways I try to walk near our Father...pray at uncertain we walk around the neighborhood, when I hear my two kids arguing in the other room, when I'm taking a shower...times to connect to Him that are other than my night time prayers or morning prayers. Its a nice reminder that He is there...admist the diapers and laundry and the meltdowns in the Target aisle...and of course there's the stars...can't help but look at them at night from our porch and know that this whole thing called life ...well its not about Me. Anyways, thanks again for sharing your blog...Its reaching others.

Dr. Joanna Branum, MD said...

Hello Jennefer! i found your blog through Trivium Academy, I think. I have children of similar ages - 6, 3, and 17 months -- but I can't homeschool because ... well, there is no "can't," but I'm not. I am the sole breadwinner right now, I work half-time as a family doc, and I was hoping the co-parenting was going to work out better than it is. I find myself jealous that your life does indeed fit on a "family brochure" that is socially acceptable, inspiring, and very beautiful. My life doesn't fit together like that AT ALL. Or maybe I just don't have the perspective to see how it fits together. Anyway, your blog is encouraging, and I pray God's rich blessing on Thatcher's every moment, especially that he would know and feel how deeply he is loved.